Employment in Lithuania requires formal employment contract. Employment contract usually includes:
- The employee’s place of work (enterprise, establishment, organisation, structural subdivision, etc.);
- Job functions’ description;
- Job requirements, such as experience, speciality, qualifications;
- Specific duties.
In every employment contract, the parties must agree on the conditions of a salary (system of a salary for work, amount of taxes, payment procedure, etc.). Other conditions of an employment contract may be established by the agreement between the parties, unless labour laws, other regulatory acts or the collective agreement prohibit doing so (trial, combination of professions, liability, etc.).
Working time
In Lithuania, working time cannot exceed 40 hours per week.
Working hours should not exceed 8 hours per day. The maximum number of working hours over seven days, including overtime, should not exceed 48 hours (which may be extended up to 60 hours per week for employees working under more than one work contract) and 12 working hours per day. A five-day working week is standard, but it may be extended to a six-day working week. Overtime must not exceed 12 hours in seven consecutive days and 180 hours per year.
For certain categories of workers, including doctors, nurses, carers, workers in children’s homes, energy and other service providers who are on duty without a break, working hours can be up to 24 hours a day and the time off between working days cannot be shorter than 24 hours.
For workers whose job involves significant mental or emotional stress, the procedure for shortening the working time is determined by the Government.