The fourth priority of the International Cooperation Division is the “Implementation of the Inter-Institutional Plan for Demography, Migration, and Integration”, introducing a new measure to promote return migration. The plan of this measure foresees organizing events for emigrated Lithuanians to meet with potential employers and discuss all issues of return and integration with the representatives of responsible institutions. Also, to provide relevant information about the labour market, vacancies, and opportunities upon return to Lithuania. The aim of such activities is not only to invite the emigrated Lithuanians to return but also to show that it is possible to find a suitable job and receive help in integrating into the local social life upon return.
Eglė Martinkėnienė | Coordinator of the return migration project "Gal į Lietuvą" | +370 612 53939 | |
Agnė Skučaitė - Leonavičienė | Communication coordinator of the return migration project "Gal į Lietuvą?" | +370 685 10438 | |
Project website:
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