
International projects

The main aim of the project is to enhance the Partners’ Policy Instruments falling under the Structural Funds Programmes dedicated to NEETs and the access to the labour market or further education.
Main Policy Instruments addressed: Youth Guarantee and Program for Employability Guarantee for Workers.

The project is split into various semesters, each tackling a different stage of the employment policy Instruments including: data collection & analysis; profiling, training & personalised support; work exposure & matching employment; outreaching the inactive. Policy change will be stimulated through a collective multidimensional and dynamic learning processes involving the partners and relevant stakeholders.

The partnership brings together Public Employment Services, Labour Ministries, Regional Administrations and Local Administration Associations:
Jobsplus (Malta)
ANCI : National Association of Italian Municipalities Tuscany (Italy)
Croatian Employment Service (Croatia)
Ministry of Labour and Social Solidarity (Romania)
Employment Service of Slovenia (Slovenia)
ADEM : Luxembourg Employment Agency (Luxembourg)
Employment Services under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of The Republic of Lithuania (Lithuania)

Connecting young NEETs with job opportunities in the green sector. INTERCEPT is aimed at unleashing the potential of NEETs aged 25-29 in the green sector. The project will carry out research on NEETS and green companies, identifying needs and opportunities in this area: it will select 300 NEETs (people Not in Education, Employment or Training) in Italy, Malta and Lithuania.

Empowering a green and sustainable future!
Today's young generation will undoubtedly be the most affected by global climate change. In this context, resorting to investments in a green economy can help secure a just and equitable future that improves people’s lives through the advancement of environmental and social well-being. The project is carrying out research on NEETS (people Not in Education, Employment or Training) and green companies, identifying needs and opportunities in this area: it will select 300 NEETs aged 25-29 in Italy, Malta and Lithuania, train and enroll them in 3-month paid internships in green businesses. This is a pilot experience, so its effectiveness will be tested and evaluated locally. At the end of the project, all the data collected in the 3 local pilots will be used to develop policy recommendations at the European level.
More info: https://interceptproject.eu/

he project for the elderly is being implemented with Polish partners – “work60plus“ aims to create a model that would allow them to work longer and more flexibly in Lithuania. The project is expected to create a modified work environment that is more favorable to people over the age of sixty.

The interdisciplinary model of extending the professional activity of employees in retirement age in the area of ergonomics, flexibility and validation of work environment combines two models defined under the joint work60plus programme:
• firm60plus: model of maintaining the professional activity of employees in preretirement and retirement age by supporting enterprises in preparation to retain employees who reach their retirement age;
• employee60plus: model of preparing employees in pre-retirement and retirement age to remain on the labour market.

The models include three stages of intervention following the logic presented above:
• audit60plus: the first step of the model related to the description of work environments – inventory of characteristics;
• adaptation60plus: the second step of the model related to the change in the scope of features of the workplace (adaptation) and employee (accommodation) in terms of theadaptation process – change of characteristics;
• employment60plus: the third step of the model related to the implementation of the main goal of the Project – maintaining / prolonging professional activity – matching change of characteristics.

The above path will include three groups of indicators, matching dimensions in line with the competences and experience of the Project Partnership:
• ergonomics60plus: indicators regarding the ergonomic aspects of the position, as well as the health and fitness characteristics of the employee.
• flexibility60plus: indicators for flexible forms of work related to the employee's limited efficiency, limited availability due to family and social roles connected to the employee's age.
• competencies60plus: indicators regarding the description of job competence requirements, including those related to psychophysical / psychological requirements,technological tasks and organizational tasks.

The project will be implemented in six stages, including three involving foreign partners:
• Development of model tools in cooperation with foreign partners;
• Model testing with target groups;
• Analysis of the effects of testing in cooperation with foreign partners;
• Development of the final version of tools in cooperation with foreign partners;
• Model implementation through educational activities;
• Development of recommendations for model users.

Project coordinators: Aivaras Pranarauskas and Saida Jurkienė.
Project website: https://www.praca60plus.pl/
Project duration: 2021-2023
