
About us

International Relations Division distinguishes four strategic directions of activity for international cooperation in 2024:

  • the long-standing tradition of participation in The European Network of Public Employment Services (PES), where good practices and ways to improve performance and services through mutual learning activities are sought;
  • development of Eastern Partnership cooperation;
  • within the framework of various funds and programs, international projects are being developed to improve existing and newly emerging services;
  • the return migration project “Gal į Lietuvą?” is being implemented, which aims to introduce the Lithuanian labour market and its opportunities to Lithuanians living abroad;
  • participation in World Association of Public Employment Services (WAPES).

It is also worth mentioning that for some time now the International Relations Division has been coordinating the development of a tool for measuring the active labour market policy measures in Lithuania, which is being created by the International Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).

5 specialists work in the International Relations Division. Please contact us for any questions or cooperation.

Aivaras Pranarauskas
Head of International Relations Division

+370 684 67325


Saida Jurkienė
Coordinator of Development Cooperation and Eastern Partnership

+370 659 15798


Ieva Baltrušaitienė
Coordinator of International Relations Projects

+370 673 04370


Agnė Skučaitė - Leonavičienė
Communication coordinator of the return migration project "Gal į Lietuvą?"

+370 685 10438


Eglė Martinkėnienė
Coordinator of the return migration project "Gal į Lietuvą?"

+370 612 53939

